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One of the things most deconverts miss the most about religion is the feeling of belonging to a group, a tradition, a history. I will freely admit this was one of the most difficult parts of my own deconversion and the reason I tested other religions – to find a different place to belong.

I do not crave that belonging as much any more, but it still gets me some times. Instead, I created a place to help fulfil this craving within my business. However, business interactions tend to be aloof by nature. After reading the link, tell me what you have done to find ways to interact with other humans and to fill the need to belong.

Credo: Religions tell us who we are and what we need to be

I just saw a friend post on FaceBook that christ is the reason for the season. It made me realize that this will be the first year holiday season where I have admitted to myself and others that I am an atheist.

Over the last few years, I have essentially taken all “religious” tokens out of my private thoughts on the holidays. However, I think this year I’d like to revamp the entire way I celebrate the holidays. I do want to continue to enjoy the season, but without the religious connotations. Any ideas?

I don’t need to be saved. I don’t need prayer. What I need is to be taken seriously for using my brain instead of my imagination.

Someone I follow on twitter had this tweet tonight, “The lack of women in any kind of equal leadership role throughout history exposes religion as a patriarchal invention.” ( by Nickolas Conrad)smashpatriarchy

This quote speaks volumes to me because it was the day this concept hit me that I chose to open my mind to the possibility that perhaps I was wrong and there is no god.

I bristled under the thumb of patriarchal christianity for decades and never could bow to its misogyny. It was when I realised that according to the Bible’s own words, the Jews killed thousands of other peoples because they served other gods – primarily female deities – that I thought of how I would have flourished under a feminine goddess.

It just pissed me off to be robbed of this opportunity. I also realised how many gods existed before the Jewish god.

All of this culminated in one of the most important realisations of my life. The god of christianity is not THE god. He is just one of many, many gods. I played around with other religious beliefs for about six months – just for the fun of it. The rest of the journey is obvious.

This quote is my life: “The lack of women in any kind of equal leadership role throughout history exposes religion as a patriarchal invention.” Nickolas Conrad

I found this through Twitter from @ThinkAtheist (if you don’t follow them, you should). I had so much fun reading this that I just had to post a link so everyone else could read it, too. Enjoy!

50 Reasons I Reject Evolution

Thought Of The Day

God probably does not exist and if she does, she looks nothing like any gods created by humans.
The Out Campaign: Scarlet Letter of Atheism

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